Sunday, June 24, 2018

Lake Tahoe - Camp Richardson June 20, 2018

My SKEG kayaking group celebrated the Summer Solstice and first day of Summer in beautiful South Lake Tahoe. Home was hot hot hot at 100 plus degrees, so the cooler weather was a bonus.  We camped at Camp Richardson a historical resort right on the lake. My family had been going there for over 35 years. We have missed the last several years so this was special for me and brought back many good memories of family members who are long gone.

Charley, my Travato Camper Van, was my home base. It carries all my comforts and toys. The rest of my group camped in tents and cars.  I felt a little bad when they were kept awake by noisy campers that I never ever heard...

We kayaked the Upper Truckee River. It was full of Mergansers and their chicks. It was a beautiful paddle. We also paddled from D.L. Bliss into Emerald Bay. We left early enough to miss most the crowns and enjoyed some beautiful, colorful, clear water.

In between paddles a friend and I biked the bike trails that are beautiful as well.  Love this place!! And Love my Paddling club! Oh yeah, and love my Travato!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Fall River Mills May 9 - 13 2018

This trip is now one of my top 10 destinations.  The phrase "Peace like a River" kept repeating in my head.  Fall River is a lush green river with a meandering waterway and a new vista at every river bend.

The first day was cold and windy, and we were going up against the current, So I was a bit apprehensive.  But I am so very glad i went! It was truly beautiful and a great paddle day.  The next day was a longer paddle but we had a light current with us. We did a shuttle so that made for a very delightful day.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Wrights Beach 4/26/18

The year is looking good!

My paddling club traveled to Wrights Beach just north of Bodega Bay.  We paddled the Russian River and then the Estero Americano. This is one of my favorite trips.  It combines the beach with the great Russian River, perfect hiking trails, campfires and good friends!  All in one location.

Wrights Beach is a favorite camp spot.  It sits right on the beach!  We enjoyed several campfires but our sunsets this trip were clouded or fogged over most of the time.

A group of us hiked the Kortum trail. This is a bluff trail that follows the beach all the way to Goat Rock, from the campground.  The flowers were amazing.  The hike required some up and downs through some gulley's and across a couple of bridges.  Perfect!

I love the Russian.  It is a peaceful gentle flowing river with so much green everywhere you look. 

The Estero is not going to make my top 10.  The water is murky and there is not much to see.  Although I do understand it is nicer in a high water year. I did like the Whale Tale rock where we beached to eat lunch.  The launch here is also tricky, so again not my fave.

Have I mentioned how much I love my van!  It was brisk with a cold wind some of the time.  It even rained over night.  But I was snug as a you know what.

The Whales Tail